Sunday 1 November 2009

Things I need to Include

I have learn't a lot by deconstructing lots of different types of newspapers; learning the different features, codes and conventions which each different paper uses. My newspaper needs to stand out but also needs to feature some of the same conventions of other newspapers to make it more identifiable to any group readership.

I need to Include:
  • Pictures: They draw in a reader and are important as to weather a person will read the article or not. Eye Catching pictures are important to a paper and lead to the sale of it.
  • Masthead: The title of the paper needs to be bold and something different to whats out there. It also needs to be appealing to the audience.
  • Puff: They attract audience's to the paper.
  • Lead Stories: The lead story is the most important feature of a newspaper and has to focus on an important subject that is revolved around in the media or something that is a bit controversial. The articles are usually written in columsn. Sub stories are also used; they are less important stories that do not go into as much detail.
  • Up and Coming Topics: Many newspapers want 'EXCLUSIVE' stories to show that their paper is more up to date with the news and shows that they are the better newpaper. It is important to include up to date stories that appeal to the target audience.
  • Page numbers: Page numbers are important and show the importance of a story but also the conventions of a newspaper. For example the sun always has their page 3 model on the third page.
  • Ads: Adverts are important (expecially in local newspapers) as they are the revenue of the paper. Many local newpapers who give their paper away for free only make money from adverts. They are usually placed stragicially next to a certain story that may be in accordance with the ad.
  • Headlines: They are just as important as the pictures with the headlines telling the audience what a story is about. They catch a persons attention with bold headlines making the audience want to know more.
  • Important Information: Website, Price and email e.t.c. They are important as a way of the audience getting in contact and lets people air their views. This important information is usually in a different colour so it stands out.
  • Eye Catching Colours: Colour is important ecspecially to teenagers. For my paper to be succesful I need it to stand out and be different making it a little edgier and make it stand out.
  • Gutters: Helps with the layout of the paper making sure that everythind is in the right position.
  • Captions: They are placed below a picture telling the audience a little bit of information so they read on.

All this information is important and helps to make my newspaper sellable to an audience. Without these key features my newspaper would not have any structure to it.

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