Tuesday 10 March 2009

Analysis of Whole Magazine

  • The blue title contrasts with the white background which makes it stand out. The title is also partly covered by the picture but many would already know this magazine by the style of the title. (Institution)

  • Sub titles which could be relating to the theme. It tells the audience what to look forward to.

  • Date and price shown in corner.

  • The clear background makes the writing and the picture stand out. Not only that but there is also a greyish tone around Brad pitt’s picture which enables the clear white writing to stand out.

  • Barcode shown bottom right hand corner.

  • The picture takes up the whole page and relates to what the magazine is going to talk about. The picture is important because pictures can aim at a certain target audiences. Because Brad Pitt is on the front cover the magazine could be aiming at women but is pretty universal because most people know who Brad Pitt is.

  • The Main Headline is there to draw attention to Brad Pitt and what is happening in her life. Many people know who he is and want to know what he has to say. It is bold and in white which contrasts on the picture and makes it stand out because it is the only writing which is white. It also says the rolling stone interview to say that you wont be able to get it anywhere else.

  • Headlines relating to other topics inside the magazine. It has the persons name is bold so people may recognize him and want to read about him and naybe buy the mag.

  • It has plus so it is like getting more for your money.

  • Headlines relating to other topics inside the magazine. They will relate to what the magazine style is trying to achieve. For example as the magazine is near the end of the year they are doing a round up of the 100 best singles and 50 best albums.

  • There is a heading at the top of the page saying “All the News” part of it is covered by the picture. It is bold and in black which is visible. It also looks professional against the white background.
  • Brad Pitt is giving his own separate part on the contents page. It has the heading cover story which is in red. After Brad Pitt there is a red divide and then the other sections of the magazine are listed. The Contents is over two pages because of the pictures which are used.

  • Before the other sections there is a heading saying “yearbook 2008” giving us insight that this is a recap of the past year.

  • There is a line at the bottom which gives the information of the publication date and the magazine name.

  • There is a picture of Kanye West which is predominate as it takes up most of the page. The magazine has chosen to use him because he’s performing at a concert and also he has sold lots of records during the past year. He also appeals to the magazines audience.

  • There is a title for Kanye West saying ‘Kanye’s Big Return’. It is bold and in white which is visible because it is placed on the dark background of the picture.

  • The second page has a split down the side to show other sections of the magazine and the page that they are on.

  • There is a heading which gives the magazine’s website. It has a red background and the website is in white, this makes it stand out.

  • There are big features on the page which have more writing. This is because it is the magazine’s top story and what they are trying to sell to the audience. Also it was probably mentioned on the front page to show its importance so people want to read it.

  • The page is spilt into sections which mean that the reader can look for the topic they want to read and find it easier. They don’t have to read every single piece which they may not be interested in.

  • There are pictures of many famous people who many people recognise especially by the readers demographic. These stars include; Beyonce and Brad Pitt.

  • There is a banner along the top of the page stating the name of the group and there’s also a black line running before and after it.

  • There is a black and white background (other than the colour pictures) which gives the article a sophisticated feel. The pictures are at the top of the page which makes them stand out as your eyes go straight for the colour pictures.

  • The interview is put into columns and has a large quote which splits up the writing. There are two parts to the interview and the writing is rather small. At the end of the page there is a symbol to show that it is the end of the interview.

  • There are three pictures on the double page spread two of which are split and put next to each other. There is also enough room for a caption describing the image. The image on the opposite page is of the band performing and it takes up the whole of the top page.

  • There is a line at the bottom which gives the information of the publication date and the magazine

  • The title gives us the band name and the white writing really stands out against the black background. There is also a mini description beneath the title giving us a description about the band. The prelude is trying to make the reader read the article.

  • The prelude to the interview depicts the band members in black and white which gives it a gothic theme and it shows them in striking poses. They are in this pose because of the image that they try to give off as a band.

  • There are the names of the band members on the bottom haBlockquotend page of the second page. There is also the magazines name and the date of the magazine issue.

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