Thursday 5 March 2009

Media Coursework Plan

For my media coursework I plan to make a new music magazine. For this I will have to create a front cover, contents page and double page spread. I will have to get some background research into my magazine by doing so I will create a Magazine Survey and I will look in to other music magazines backgrounds and analyse them.

Music Genres:
  • Indie
  • Punk
  • R&B
  • Dance
  • Electronic
  • Pop
  • Garage
  • Blues
  • Rock
  • Jazz
  • Hip Hop
  • Gothic
  • Blues
  • Grunge
  • Classical
  • Country

In order to find out what people are willing to pay, I will have to find out the most listened to genres and find out what type of music people listen to most. I will also have to try to find out what the most popular age range is that buy music magazines in order for more people to buy my magazine. I will also have to look into how much people are willing to pay for a magazine.

Age Range

  • 10 - 12
  • 13 - 15
  • 16 - 19
  • 20+


  • Less than £1
  • £1 - 2
  • £2 - 3
  • £3 - 4
  • 4+

The three stages of my planning are:

Questionaire: I will look at ages in relation to price and layout. I will also look at themes for the magazines, for example if more girls buy magazines then I could use a pink background whereas if more boys buy music magazines then I will use a different background and different pictures e.g. I will look at what age group spend more on magazines and the correlation between them. The results will then be put into charts.

Magazine Covers: I will look at the layout of the magazines and see what is similar to what I could use for my magazine. I will look at the differences between certain magazines and try to see if they have a certain target audience.

Magazine Backgrounds: Research other magazines and their purpose. Look at how they try to acheive their aims.

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