Wednesday 21 October 2009

Cover Story

It is clear to most people that print based media products are now in long term decline due to the rise of the new emedia sector. More and more people, especially young people, turn to the internet for news and information. Newspapers are declining in readership, and many newspaper groups are resorting to free distribution in order to halt the decline.
With this in mind, I intend to tackle the new reality head on by featuring articles on the new media, and I want my paper to be 'the first stop' for young people who want to know about the cutting edge technolgy they use, as well as what they desire.

I also want to feature 'cutting edge' stories that shock and entertain people but also stories that revolve around peoples lives. As my newspaper is aimed at teenagers; some of the stories I could include are things on:
  • Bullying
  • Alcohol & Drugs
  • Climate Change & Environment
  • Gang Violence
  • Racism
  • Music & Local Successful Talent
  • Sport
  • Local Heroes
  • Television

Therefore although my front page will feature a story on technology I will also have a story on school life and the underlying issues that arise. I will look at one school with different points made by differet people. I hope by doing this I can get lots of different opinions and will have a story which directly affects teens. Hopefully I will also have a story which lots of people can idetify with and go into depth over such topics like Alcohol, Drugs, Bullying and Racism.

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