Wednesday 1 April 2009

Results of Questionaire

The results of my questionaire have shown me that many girls between 13 - 19 buy magazines more regularly than boys. Many girls between this age listen to popular artists like Rihanna and T.I. who have a large fanbase and are known worldwide. The reason why I am going to aim my magazine purely at girls is because they are a main majority of magazine buyers; not only that but their is space for a magazine purely for girls as other music mags like NME and Blender are aimed at a wide audience of men and women of all ages.

My results show me:
  • Half of the girls I asked said they would buy a magazine at least once a week compared with only 2 out of 10 boys.
  • Three boys out of the ten said that they do not buy any magazine. All the girls questioned said they buy a magazine at some time.
  • Four girls said they would consider buying a new music magazine instead of their usual compared with three boys.
  • The girls would spend more than the boys on a magazine.

In conclusion my results have shown me to target girls more than boys as they girls spend more than boys on magazines and they buy magazines more regular also. By targeting my magazine at girls; I will use certain colours and artists and try to make it informal also.

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