Tuesday 17 March 2009

Questionaire Results

For my questionaire I wanted a fair survey so I asked 10 boys and 10 girls. The participants were all aged between 13 - 19 years of age because this is what age group my magazine will be aimed at. I chose this age group because I can get more feedback from this audience to get the best possible end product. (for some of the questions you were allowed to tick more than one box).

When asked if they buy a magazine regularlly half the girls said they buy a magazine once a week, one girl said more than once a week, two girls said every fourtnight and two said hardly ever. On the other hand two of the boys said that they brought a magazine once a week, whilst four said every fourtnight, one said hardly ever and three said never.

On the other hand two of the boys said that they brought a magazine once a week, whilst four said every fourtnight, one said hardly ever and three said never.

The next question asked what music genres they listened to. Out of the girls seven ticked Pop, nine picked RnB, 5 picked Dance, 3 Rock and 3 picked Other. The boys results were Pop 6, RnB 8, Dance 4, Rock 5, and 6 for Other. (The question was multiple choice.)

Some of the other genres the girls picked were classical, electronic and soca; whilst the other genres picked by the boys were soca, grunge, rap, electro and garage. When asked what artists they liked six of the girls chose Lady GaGa; she was the most popular among the girls. Rhianna was mentioned by four girls and three girls said Britney Spears and two girls said Girls Aloud. Other artists mentioned by the Girls were Pink, Akon, Mariah Carey and Robin Thicke.

The boys most popular artist was T.I. with four boys chosing him, three boys said Lady GaGa, The Killers and Kanye West. Other artists mentioned were Akon, Lil Wayne, Lilly Allen and Flo Rida. (The question was multiple choice, with some having a couple of artists).

When asked what sections of magazines they liked best, half the girls said celebrity, four said interview, two said music releases, none said question and answer and 2 said other. The boys on the other hand liked celebrity and interview best with two votes each. One boy voted for music release, none said question and answer and seven said other.

The next question asked if you would consider buying a new music magazine instead of your usual. The question was a simple yes or no answer; out of the 10 girls six said no with four saying yes. On the other hand seven boys said no and three said yes.

The last question asked how much they spend or would spend on their music magazine. Out of the girls only one said less than £1, two said £1-2, three girls said £2-3, another three girls said £3-4 and one girl said £4+. On the other hand three boys said less than £1, four said £1-2, two said £2-3, one said £3-4 and none said £4+.

1 comment:

  1. Loving this, Perry! A brief summary of your findings and how you will use this information to inform your on work would be a way forward.
