Thursday 10 September 2009

Project Outline

I plan to create a a new local newspaper, together with a poster for the newspaper and two hyperlinked pages to the papers website. I chose this brief because I focused on print last year and I think that it would be more suited towards my skills and would mean that I would be able to develop what I have already learnt from last year. For the local newspaper I intend to compare it to a tabloid paper. I will compare the papers content, aim, prices, pictures and overall look of the newspapers. I have decided to aim my local newspaper at teenagers due to the fact that there are not many local newspapers directly dedicated to this age group. This may be a problem because I do not know if there are any tabloid newspapers made for children. I also intend to find out if there is room for another newspaper or if it is worthwhile trying to introduce a local paper if teenagers wont buy it. Originally I thought that I would aim my paper at children from the ages of 6 - 12 but decided it would not be worthwhile because it would mean parents would have to buy it for their children; whereas if I aim it at teens from 13 onwards as it would mean that they would be able to make the purchase themselves as many have their own money available to them.
I also plan to ask teenagers what they want in a local newspaper and what they think should be included. I will also de-construct pieces in local papers to see what makes them special in comparison to others and try to find out their unique selling points.

In todays society lots of teenagers don't bother reading, so I will try to make my paper appealing to them - trying to improve on the formula that local newspapers use in order to make it more appealing to them. In order for me to appeal to my target group I plan on making the stories as interesting and as shocking as possible. Lots of teens - girls mostly - buy magazines like 'More' and 'Closer' because of the scandalous stories which are featured inside the magazines. The traditional looking newspapers feature an editorial page containing columns. Supplementary sections include adverts, obituaries, weather, gossip, reviews among many others. I will also have to see how often I will produce my newspapers; many tabloid papers are printed daily as they have more money and it is easy for them to be mass produced. Many local papers are produced weekly because they are for a smaller market, instead of reporting on world news they report on local news, which is focused on a much smaller market.

I also want to incorporate ideology in my local newspaper as many papers even local newspapers do this. These papers reflect the culture and the community that revolves around them. On the other hand tabloid newspapers use ideology on a larger scale, they have to use stories which affect a lot of people.

In conclusion I aim to:
  • create a new local newspaper, specifically aimed at teenagers from the ages of 13+, along with this I should also create a poster for the newspaper along with two hyperlinked pages from the paper's website.
  • I also plan to research my target market and ask what they want in a local newspaper. I also want to look at local newspapers to see their similarities and differences. I also want to see the difference between local and tabloid papers.

1 comment:

  1. A very informative post Perry. You have a clear idea of what needs to be done!
